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The latest on travel, languages and culture by EF Education First
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Born with a severe case of wanderlust, you can find me trying to fill my English passport with new stamps, accompanied by a backpack, my camera and a snorkel. In between dreaming of adventures that combine snowboarding and diving, I'm a travel writer in Bristol, blog at www.thebrisdionblog.com, and tread the thin line between impressive and worrying coffee consumption.

All articles from Emma

The importance of immersion: Why you should learn a language the same way you’ll use it
5 min read 5 min

There are many different ways to learn a second language, from taking classes to reading books, or e...

Why an app isn’t enough to master a language
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In an age when we’re permanently glued to our phones, there is an app for pretty much everything – e...

8 ways to make packing for a trip more eco-friendly
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These days there are a myriad of ways we can reduce our impact on the environment — from choosing ho...

The ultimate summer guide to Sydney
4 min read 4 min

Aussies sure know how to make the most of their world-class summer weather, and Sydney is a hotbed f...

10 best student spots in London: From food to music
5 min read 5 min

From the best cheap-eats to the coolest art or music venues, we’ve scoured London in search of the p...

Language and the brain: How learning a language at any age can support longevity
4 min read 4 min

Did you know that in England, you can receive a signed card from the King when you turn one hundred?...

10 (more) weird words in English
4 min read 4 min

There are over 171,000 words in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. Wi...

Here’s how you can boost your happiness
4 min read 4 min

Happiness doesn’t just feel good, it also does good for us. Being happy can lower our blood pressure...

How to learn German quickly: 10 tips
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Learning a new language is hard, but who says that it can’t be enjoyable, too? Mastering a new langu...

10 best vegan cities in the world
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One of the best parts of traveling is trying new food. It's the perfect way to explore a new cul...

How to learn French quickly: 10 tips
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Parles-tu Français? Non? Soon, we’ll have you saying, ‘Oui! Oui! Oui!’ If you’ve decided to join alm...

How to eat like the Spanish eat
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One of the best things about visiting Spain is the foodie culture. The fresh Mediterranean ingredien...