How much does it cost to travel to Japan?

You can expect to pay about $320 per day for an all-inclusive trip to Japan, so the average price for an 14-day trip would be $4500 with flights included. Of course there are a huge range of cheaper and more expensive tours to Japan, but finding any trip that includes a flight and costs less than $2,500 per person is rare.
If you want to organize your own trip to Japan, here are some prices for making a budget:
– Round trip flight from the US to Japan: $700 to $1200
– Hotel: $120/day
– Meals: $50/day
– Metro/bus: $15/day
– Entrance fees, souvenirs, and incidentals: $25/day
– If you’re planning on moving from one city to another, add train or flight costs accordingly

A language trip to Japan costs $1,700 for two weeks, not including flights. That covers your accommodation in a host family, breakfast and dinner every day with your host family, Japanese classes, and some activities. If you add another $1,000 for a flight, and $10 a day for lunch, a two-week language trip to Japan comes out to less than half the price of an organized tour of the same length ($2,840 vs. $4,500). It’s a completely different experience of course. One has you visiting the country as a tourist. The other has you living with a Japanese family and learning Japanese. It’s up to you to choose which type of trip to Japan is a better value for you.

Note: Prices accurate as of October 2019.