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EF Volunteer Experience

Refine your language skills while volunteering with an organization.

Course structure

32 Lessons / week (40 minutes each lesson)

  • Level

    Intermediate to Advanced

  • Start date

    Every Monday, year round

  • Length

    8 to 52 weeks

  • Online pre-course

    For European languages from enrollment

  • EF Campus Connect

    Interactive student portal


This program combines volunteer experience of 50 hours or more with a minimum 8-week EF Language Course. In addition to making progress toward fluency in your language course with interactive lessons inside and outside of the classroom, you’ll enrich your understanding of the language by volunteering part-time at a local organization. You’ll develop specialized language skills and gain experience in an international environment – all documented with an EF Certificate of Volunteer Experience.

Destinations where you can take this course

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EF Study Abroad Advisor

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